The Unplugged Experience

City of Angels International Christian Church Teen Retreat 2016




I am privileged and honored to have had the opportunity to experience the “Unplugged teen retreat” just a couple weeks ago.  It is incredible to be a part of a worldwide movement where specifically for this retreat, teens from various parts of California as well as Phoenix joined together to strengthen and unify one another as a whole! I had the opportunity to deepen my relationships with teens (disciples and non-disciples), and it is quite amazing to witness how much that the teen ministry has grown and continues to grow.  

Super spiritual young sisters!!


One experience that significantly impacted me at the retreat was when we were all designated to be in discipling groups with a discipling leader.  The reason being that most of us did not know one another, and it allowed us to build new deep relationships with each other as well learned about each others past and how far we have come.  One thing that put me in awe was when the interns shared on Saturday, their testimonies

The Shafers are the leaders of the “Scum” teen ministry in the OC Region!

were inspiring as they shared vulnerably, relatable in every aspect, and gave me vision on how to overcome obstacles in my own life, and most importantly served as a reminder to us teens as to why we have chosen to follow God at a young age.  For the non-disciples, I know that it was definitely a wake up call to have urgency to become a disciple, and to get right with God right now.  I know that this weekend retreat was empowering and impacted numerous lives as they returned to their homes, and changed their perspective on the “true meaning” of what it entails to be a disciple of God and the importance of becoming one.   -Jazmin


Jordan Swann is a Powerhouse of conviction!

Unplugged was an incredible and much needed experience. The whole concept of the
retreat was to “level up” in our relationship with God and I believe that this was the mindset that we all needed. I learned that to stay close to God that I need to be growing and staying consistent. I think that from the retreat everyone learned how to level up and what steps every individual has to take to achieve that next level.

Jordan and his sister Bella lead a bible talk at their highschool!
Nancy in the “Alpha Squad”!

Unplugged 2016 was incredible! It was a great experience that I would never forget. I was able to built amazing and powerful  relationships  with my  sisters  from the “Alpha Squad”. All the teens from LA were able to have such a good time, playing different sports,  singing to God, and D-groups that helped everyone to build each other up. One of my favorite parts at Unplugged 2016 was  the service, in which some fantastic teen disciples participated. The Welcome, Hereoes in the faith, Communion and Contribution, brought everyone to tears, joy, and happiness.

The most important event at Unplugged was the testimonies from the Teens leaders.All the leaders shared their heart and the way they used to be before becoming disciples. Their strong testimonies impacted all the teens and really made all of us think about the consequeces of our sins.This not only inspired disciples but also non-disciples, to try their best to be righteous in God’s eyes. I was really encouraged  because their testimonies really changed my life and inspired me to not give up when I face trials. It also made me think about the consequences when it came to doing something “fun”. I am so grateful for this amazing experience because it really changed and impacted many teens that gave their hearts to God and were so fired up for the Lord. Finally,  I have faith that these teens will do amazing things! We are strong with God!!! Nancy

By cyberevangelist

Jeremy Ciaramella is currently serving as the evangelist for the Phoenix International Christian Church ( He also is a pioneer in the advancement of the Gospel into the "Invisible Continent" - the Internet serving as a Cyberevangelist for the Soldout Movement church family. He works full time alongside his wife and God has blessed them with two beautiful children.