Ignite 2016

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. “John 14:12

ignite group pic

On July 16 to July 25, thirty-two teens went to a 10 day spiritual training camp called ignite! It purpose is to ignite the fire in young teen disciples hearts! This camp was led by none other than Ricky and Coleen Challinor, the powerful couple who spearheaded this life changing event! Lessons were learned, cups were cleaned(both ways!), memories were made, the Word was preached, and the Leaders of Today were Ignited! Here are some of those young leaders accounts… 

The Radiant young couple leading Ignite!



A young visionary, and founder of the word “Crisp”

Carlos “Crispy” Robielos:   “Ignite  2016 has undoubtedly been the highlight of my entire summer. This 10 day experience has been extraordinarily life-changing. One of the best parts of the entire Ignite experience was meeting all the other disciples from around the world. I met disciples from Moscow, Chennai, Mexico City, Chicago, Portland, San Francisco and everywhere else! The friendships that we built is so true that we continue to keep in contact DAILY! Who knew that within a short amount of time a group of teens with different backgrounds and cultures could become so close! I remember meeting a disciple named Dustin, and literally in less than 5 hours we became so close that it was impossible to see us apart. Dustin even lived with me for a couple of days after Ignite! Overall, I enjoyed Ignite partly because of these disciples. I truly consider them my brothers and sisters in God’s amazing family!

Dustin and Carlos!

However, the true pinnacle of the Ignite experience was the maturity that I’ve gained from the countless lessons, Discipling times, early morning prayers, character-building challenges, brotherly rebukes, and so much more! Before coming to Ignite,

Thunderous Preaching!

I didn’t think that I needed a lot of maturing. Yet by the end of it all, I saw that I needed to mature in many aspects of my life as a disciple. Through Ignite I saw that in order for the Kingdom to grow, each disciple must make the commitment to continue improving their knowledge, strengthening their conviction, and learning to better discipline themselves to God’s word.

I’ll never forget my time at Ignite. The family and the lessons were beyond anything I could have imagined or wished for. Next year, since I will no longer be a teen, I plan to return as an intern to help the new teens to experience an even better Ignite than I did.”

Tia-Marie Campbell:   “I’m so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to go to ignite 3 years in a row and now write about my experience! Going to ignite these past years has definitely changed my relationship with God in an amazing way. I’ve learned so many things both from the lessons and from the amazing teens who are with me! Ignite helped me to get out of my comfort zone, battle my insecurity and gain even more confidence both in myself and with God. And being able to see other teens that

Great Friends!


struggle with the same sins and go through the same day to day struggles helps create relationships that are forged in fire and will last forever. It’s so important these relationships are formed because in times of struggle we all have someone that we can go to and rely on to fight with us. My biggest take away from ignite is the importance of fellowship and being in each other’s lives because it’s through these relationships and accountability that we can help each other get to heaven!”

The joyful and passionate young disciple from Mexico!

Santiago “Santi” Gomez:

” It was more than i expected , all the lessons impacted me in such a way , i felt really convicted I learned about discipline and leadership. How the scripture says every moment is a test, that’s what i felt but not only like a test but also as a way to learn more about different matters , from the leaders,the interns and also from all the other teens , all of them were a great inspiration for me , in different aspects of my life.

My favorite class from ignite was “NEXT LEVEL RIGHTEOUSNESS “in where we learned how we have the power to save the souls of our friends in school and families but because of our clinging to sin we could push them away from God , afterwards we were given a challenge , to write a 100 scriptures and learn them, this class showed me how lame my Quiet times had been during this year , it pushed me to be more disciplined in my quiet times and prayer, to disciple and challenge myself ,for the sake of my loved ones in order to save their souls.

Awesome disciples!

I am personally grateful for having the opportunity of coming to ignite and meeting such an amazing group of friends ,and being able to hear such an amazing and challenging classes, but above all, to teach me to see the scriptures in such a different way.”

Xanthe “X-factor” Gonzales:

A young zealous sister in the faith!
2016 Teen IGNITE camp was a time of great power in my life, those eight days will forever resonate with me. This year was my third year of having the honor of attending, and it was the greatest one thus far! God has truly called all the teens in the movement to greatness, and it is shown in the group of 32 that attended, Jesus was not lying when he stated,

“Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these” John 14:12I do believe that this year even greater things will be done with the teens all over the world! This means that there is a great calling for the young people in the world to take action.

The teens are ready to take Action! And level up to even greater things!
Incredibly serving sisters!
For me personally, this years IGNITE taught me exactly that- to take action. So often I feel inspired, I have the heart to want to do great things, and I have the zeal to. But in my three years as a Christian, never have I taken radical action to actually accomplish great things. This year at IGNITE I was called to be a woman who steps up, a woman who sees the needs and gaps that need filling and meeting them. As I go back to my home church, I am now learning to make every effort to achieve the greater things that Jesus promised me. This school year I will finally be the warrior of God I have been called to be at all times.

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Kip preaching powerfully on Mount Shalom(Mount Hollywood) to a total of 42 teens and interns on ounce again being “God’s Teen Ministry”!

Ignite has truly been a memorable and historical time that will always be remembered by the young sons, and daughters of the Kingdom! It proves to do its purpose of Igniting the fire of Christ, in these young teens hearts! Ignite has been incredibly strengthening in the lives of these young teen with the mighty power of Word of God coupled with the family and friendships, the “32” are now well equipped to do even greater things! I encourage every teen disciple to strive to be there next year at Ignite 2017 in Manila! This year lets answer the calling of being GOD’s Teen Ministry, and level up our teen ministries to do even greater things! We truly are family , to eternity!

your fellow servant in Christ, Victor Droblas

13937979_638087833027772_6441700167899721453_oStay Crisp, til the end..


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By cyberevangelist

Jeremy Ciaramella is currently serving as the evangelist for the Phoenix International Christian Church (phxicc.org). He also is a pioneer in the advancement of the Gospel into the "Invisible Continent" - the Internet serving as a Cyberevangelist for the Soldout Movement church family. He works full time alongside his wife and God has blessed them with two beautiful children.

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